Red Dao Ethnic Group: Significant Contribution to the Cultural Diversity of VietnaM
Red Dao Women take a break after working in the fields. Ta Phin Village
The Red Dao Ethnic Group resides in Vietnam and is one of the most prominent Dao Ethnic Groups. They possess a Rich Cultural Heritage that encompasses Spiritual Beliefs, Folk Legends, Traditional Clothing with Symbolic Meanings, and Herbal Medicine Knowledge.
The Spiritual Beliefs of the Red Dao are closely tied to their Natural Environment. They believe in the existence of Nature Spirits and Ancestors who play a significant role in their lives. They have numerous Rituals, Ceremonies, and Festivals dedicated to strengthening their Connection with the Spirits and Ancestor Worship.
The Folk Legends of the Red Dao preserve Ancient Stories and Myths that are passed down from Generation to Generation. These Legends shed light on the Origins of the Ethnic Group and help understand their Identity and Cultural Peculiarities.
Clothing holds Great Significance in Red Dao Culture and carries deep Symbolic Meaning. The Traditional Red Dao attire is renowned for its vibrant colours, intricate embroidery, and amazing silver decoration. The colours used in their garments reflect various aspects of the Ethnic Group's Life, such as Joy, Sorrow, Health, and Wealth.
Elements of Traditional Red Dao Costume. Ta Phin Village.
The Symbols in Red Dao Embroidery also hold specific meanings. They depict Societal Hierarchy, Protection against Spirits and Evil Forces, Family affiliation, and Legends which tell the stories of the Connection between Nature and People. These Symbols and Legends inside also showcase the Embroiderers' Craftsmanship and convey the Values and History of the Ethnic Group.
Red Dao Woman, Ta Phin Village
The Cultural Heritage of the Red Dao is Valued and Protected by UNESCO. In 2019, the Red Dao Culture was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This recognition underscores the importance of preserving and promoting the Cultural Traditions of the Ethnic Group and their contribution to the Diversity of Vietnamese Culture.
Thus, the Cultural Heritage of the Red Dao Ethnic Group encompasses Spiritual Beliefs, Folk Legends, Traditional clothing with Symbolic Meanings, and Herbal Medicine Knowledge. They play a vital role in shaping the identity and Cultural Richness of Vietnam, Red Dao Ethnic Group has received well-deserved recognition on a Global Scale.
Protective Embroidery Pattern on the Backside of Red Dao People's Clothes, Signifying that we are the Sons of Gods.
Red Dao Legend of Their Origin in The World.
The Red Dao People have a Legend that tells the Story of Their Origins in The World. According to this Legend, it is said that long ago, a severe Drought plagued the Land where the Red Dao People now reside. The People suffered greatly, and their crops withered, leaving them on the brink of starvation.
In their desperation, the Red Dao People turned to the Heavens for help. They Prayed to the Gods and Spirits, asking for Rain to save their Community. Moved by their Sincerity and Faith, the Deities decided to Grant their wish and send Rain upon the Land.
As the Rain fell, it washed away the drought and rejuvenated the Land. The Red Dao People were filled with gratitude and wanted to express their Appreciation to the Gods. They decided to create Special Garments and Adornments, made with Intricate Embroidery and Vibrant Colours, to Honour the Gods and Commemorate the Miracle of Rain.
Unique Embroidery Patterns of Red Dao People
From that point onward, the Red Dao People continued to pass down their Traditions, Stories, and Unique Cultural Practices from one Generation to the next. The Legend of the Drought and the Rain serves as a reminder of the importance of Faith, Resilience, and the Connection between Humans and the Spiritual Realm in the Red Dao Culture, it reflects the Deep Spiritual Beliefs and Reverence for Nature that characterize their Cultural Identity.
Peter Cleveland