The Power of Art to Transform and Inspire: Creating postcards

Hart Upcycle: A Creative Collaboration

In the world of home decor, creativity knows no bounds. Hart Upcycle stands out as a testament to the innovative spirit that exists within the industry. With a dedicated team of talented artists and friends, Hart consistently brings unique and stunning pieces to life.

One such collaboration is between Olka Ivanova, a photographer, and Stephanie Stubbs, an artist. Together, they have created a Hart art space that is both visually stunning and emotionally evocative.

Olka's captivating photographs offer a strong foundation for Stephanie's artistic vision. Her watercolours are infused with a delicate touch and a sense of whimsy, bringing the pieces to life in a new dimension.

The resulting fusion beautifully captures the essence and beauty of Hart's upcycled home decor. Each piece is an intricate work of art, with its own unique story to tell.

Visitors to the Hart art space are invited to appreciate the intricate details and imaginative craftsmanship in each piece. The space is a celebration of creativity and collaboration, and it is a testament to the power of art to transform and inspire.

The Artistry of Hart Upcycle

Hart Upcycle is more than just a business. It is a passion project to create pieces that are both beautiful and sustainable and which can show up amazing craftsmanship and artistry of tribal people living in Vietnam, their Cultural identity and Precious Heritage. 

Our Hart team sources materials from a variety of sustainable sources, autentic tribal arts and crafts, repurposing of an old fishing boat and reclaiming old woods, and upcycling old rustic houseware items, including discarded items and recycled materials. Then we use creativity and skills to transform these materials into stunning pieces of home decor and everyday goods and clothes. 

The upcycling process is not only sustainable, but it also allows the team to create pieces that are truly unique. Each piece is a reflection of their individual style and vision, and it tells the story of the materials that were used to create it.

The Power of Art to Transform and Inspire

The Hart art space is more than just a place to shop. It is also a place to experience the power of art to transform and inspire.

The space is filled with Olka's captivating photographs and Stephanie's delicate watercolours. Each piece is a work of art in its own right, and together they create a truly immersive experience.

Visitors to the Hart art space are invited to take their time and appreciate the beauty of the pieces on display. They are also encouraged to share their own stories and experiences and to connect with other art lovers.

The Hart art space is a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and the power of art to transform and inspire. It is a place where people can come together to appreciate the beauty of the world around them and to connect with their own inner creativity.




Hart Upcycled Home Decor: Preserving Vietnam's Cultural Heritage and Timeless Treasures


Tết Trung Thu: Celebrating the Vietnamese Mid-Autumn Festival with Mooncakes, Legends, and Gratitude to Mothers